AHL Foundation
420 West 23rd Street #7A
New York NY 10011
June 5, 2014
Dear artists and friends of the AHL Foundation,
The AHL Foundation is pleased to announce a deadline and materials for its annual visual arts competition. As you all know, the AHL Foundation Visual Arts Competition has discovered and awarded many groundbreaking artists of Korean heritage. 2015 would be our twelfth year of the visual arts competition.
Please note that the visual arts competition’s deadline is December 31, 2014. The visual arts competition will select four winners based on their merit and creativity, and give $2000, $1500 $1000, respectively to the first, second, third. The Wolhee Choe Memorial Award will be given $1000. The T & W Foundation will provide the other three awards.
Applicants should submit all the materials to the contact information listed below. Submitted materials cannot be returned.
Any questions should be directed to Ms. Sook Nyu Lee Kim at info@ahlfoundation.org
AHL Foundation, Inc. (www.ahlfoundation...org)
New York NY 10013
(516) 983-3935
Thank you so much for your interest and support. I look forward to hearing from many talented artists and designers. Our door is always open to you.
[ⓒ 뉴욕코리아(www.newyorkkorea.net), 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지]
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